
All in favor of less crowded subways,raise your hands

If you are tired of being stuck in crowded trains, 

if you can't stand crying children anymore as you try to read the METRO, if you are one of those who finish their nights on the way to work, if you are addicted to your iPod, if you need absolute silence to complete your Sudoku square, if you don't want to suffer from the sight of this man biting a shiny donut as you fight to stay on a diet, then, you might dream every night of a train where you almost have your own room, where you could be enjoying yourself exclusively.

However, have you already forgotten how you met this nice friend of yours?

These claustrophobic cells would have kept you from bumping into him that day on the train! And what are you going to do with your two four years old children and your Grandma visiting this weekend?

Would it be possible to take a nap and be awaken on time to get off the train? Are they going to take advantage of us, nicely trapped, and flash us with adds? 

These bubbles of solitude where you seat aligned like rabbits in their boxes remind us of the Podcars and the Ultra Speed Public Pods, and even today they seem futuristic ideas : hopefully we are still human being interacting with each other. The next step after the "cellular train" could be a WALL E world with highways of men in flying pods talking to each others through instant messenger and an updated version of Skype.

I can't believe you never had fun just watching people on the subway...I tell you, you would miss it after a while!

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