
The Me, Me, Me, Me phenomenon.

Photo booths have been around us since this ingenuous Jewish immigrant from Siberia, in the mid 1920s, had the idea to use human narcissicim to make his fortune. From then on, people from all over the world, artists have glorified the machine. Even artists like André Breton and Andy Warhol have studied this blooming phenomenon.
But nowadays, we have digital cameras, it is so easy to keep records of good moments, places, trips etc...why are these photo booths still so famous? The Lakeside Lounge Bar in NYC and an interactive public art project by Raul Vincent Enriquez
(Chashama, 112 West 44th Street) have managed to reveal what makes the instant photographs so particular and appreciated. 

Raul Vincent Enriquez is taking the idea even further. If you go to the Chashama Gallery you can take a picture of yourself that is going to be redirected instantly on a Times Square giant screen. And the result is it works ; people seem to like the idea of being part of Times Square advertisement mess, being the instant New York Crossroads Star.
Again : "In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." (Andy Warhol)

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